Hong Kongers concerned about ESG and will act against companies with poor ESG records

Nearly three in four Hong Kong respondents agree that companies could be doing more to look after their employees and minimise their environmental impact.
Half of Hong Kong people are prepared to boycott products from companies with poor ESG records.
Twice as many Hong Kongers compared to the global average have sold shares in companies that are performing poorly in ESG.
We launched our annual SEC Newgate ESG Monitor today, which surveyed over 12,000 people in 12 countries and territories to understand community awareness and perceptions around ESG issues. The research digs deep into how important it is for companies to take action on ESG issues; which industries and type of organisations are performing best; how people source information about ESG performance; and how Hong Kong people penalise an organisation with a poor ESG record.
The SEC Newgate ESG Monitor also looks at consumer sentiment about key issues impacting local economies. Hong Kong cites the rising cost of living, managing the COVID pandemic recovery, and strengthening the economy as its top three concerns. However, a majority feel Hong Kong is headed in the right direction.
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